To be successful in your weight loss or weight gain transformation, you need to learn how to properly motivate yourself. Sometimes all it needs is a little motivation to speed up your progress and get to where you want. Here are 50 ways you can boost your motivation.
  1. Write down your goals on paper.
  2. Set due dates; if you want to lose 20 pounds, how much time are you giving yourself to lose those 10 pounds?
  3. Have an action plan.
  4. Visualize what you want your body to look like.
  5. Reward yourself after achieving short-term (or long-term) goals.
  6. Post your achievements on Facebook.
  7. Read some motivational quotes.
  8. Got haters? Let them hate.
  9. Take advice from people.
  10. Post up your skinny/fat “before” picture on your fridge.
  11. Post up a picture of your favorite fitness role model on your fridge.
  12. Set motivational quotes or pictures as your computer’s screen saver. 
  13. Get a workout buddy.
  14. Make goals with that buddy.
  15. Compete with your buddy.
  16. Compete with other friends.
  17. Make a bet with friends mini goals
  18. Hang around with fit friends.
  19. Always keep a positive attitude.
  20. Make a workout log (and try to constantly beat your personal records).
  21. Make a diet log.
  22. Log your transformation stats: weight, body fat percentage, etc.
  23. Change your workout routine once in a while.
  24. Change up your workout plan
  25. Plan a vacation where you would need to wear a swimsuit.
  26. Envision your workout before you hit the gym.
  27. Beat yourself up at every workout. Push it hard!
  28. Focus on your workouts when you’re at the gym.
  29. Learn to do exercises you don’t usually do.
  30. Listen to music that pumps you up in and out of the gym.
  31. Make it a goal to be the fittest person at your gym.
  32. Make it a goal to be the fittest person wherever you go.
  33. Watch inspirational videos
  34. Watch videos of your favorite fitness role model.
  35. Watch workout videos.
  36. Read transformation stories.
  37. Read interviews of athletes.
  38. Read fitness-related blogs and articles.
  39. Hang up moitivational pictures to inspire you
  40. Become an inspiration for your friends and family.
  41. Help others that want to transform their bodies.
  42. Learn about your idol’s training routine and their diet.
  43. Observe the eating habits of unfit people.
  44. Get outside
  45. Turn off your TV
  46. Read fitness magazines.
  47. Think of the long-term health benefits.
  48. Working out with motivated friends who also have goals
  49. Buy new clothes that fit your new and improved body.
  50. Plan a photoshoot to show off all of your hard work

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! I've got to print this post and get it in front of my face ASAP!!!

    Thanks Vicki!

