Michelle was one of my very first clients and let me just say she was a true pleasure to get to know. I love her heart & her desire to keep pushing herself never giving up when it got hard..Enjoy her inspiring story!

I used to be envious of those who were skinny…wishing I could be just like them. (of course I did NOTHING to help the situation). Now, I don’t want to be told that. I want to looked at as someone who is strong, muscular, toned, healthy!! I’m setting new goals!

As I walked down the streets of Pittsburgh this past weekend, I past a girl who had very muscular arms and I thought WOW! Her arms are awesome!! Then, I thought, I want people to look at me and know that I workout!
I am busy and just an average person just like many of you! I just celebrated a bday in April and joined the 40 club! WOW!! Never thought that I’d be saying that. But, I’m ok with it because you know what… I don’t feel 40 and don’t feel I look 40 (could come from playing form 5 year olds all day!) I have been married for almost 15 years to my husband, Ron. We have 3 boys that are 13, 10 and 6. They alone keep me busy with all the sports that they play in and after school activities that they have. I’m a Kindergarten teacher, a Beachbody coach, a fitness leader a few times a week, a Sun. School teacher and an assist. Youth leader. So, I wear many hats. No matter what I’m doing, I always make time for my workouts because they are what keeps me going and feeling good!

Well, I was never really athletic or in shape. I wasn’t fat but wasn’t fit either. I enjoyed eating and didn’t workout much through high school. Then, I went to college and met a friend. I truly believe the reason that we were meant to meet was for him to intro. me to fitness! I fell in love with it and luckily, I never gained the freshman 15 that everyone dreads. But I also didn’t get a toned muscular body either. BECAUSE, I didn’t learn how to eat right. I LOVED my carbs and now I know how they weren’t helping my cause!

After having 3 boys, I def. had a different body. I worked out during my pregnancies and after but after my last son, I took a look one day and thought I need to do something about this body!

This was my before body about 2 ½ years ago.

I decided I wanted to do something so I joined WW with a bunch of teacher friends. I completely disagree with their process and how the points are calculated. But, It did help me and taught me about portions and through it I lost 16 lbs. As I was doing this I decided to add running to my list of things to do! I didn’t think I’d be able to run. Rem. I never really did this type of thing!

But, I started entering into 5ks with some of my friends. I loved it!! It was a new challenge and made me feel good to do these races. I was winning and feeling a sense of accomplishment. I even completed a half marathon in a time of 1:54. I was proud of myself for NOT being a runner and making it!! Any of us can do anything we put our minds to.
Now I’m down 20lbs and I’m so excited that the pants I have are too big and I’m giving them away and getting a new size from a friend!! What a wonderful feeling, huh?? I’m now wearing a 6 a size that I never even wore in school!

I now become a Beachbody coach after reading several success stories and contacting one girl to explain Beachbody further! She told me how wonderful it is and I couldn’t say no. I am loving all the products that they promote and use them to help others!

So, it’s been about 3 years now, and, one day I happened to spot Vicki’s page on FB and decided I wanted her to help me! She has been a friend, a coach and a motivator everyday! I’ve come to learn so much through the site and through Vicki. My eating has changed for the better. I now understand how to put foods together and why even though I thought I was eating healthy I really wasn’t. I still need to work on my choices once in awhile but I’m getting there and because of this results are showing! I’ve also learned to love working out in a variety of ways! I still love my Turbo Fire workouts, running, P90X, Jamie Eason but I’ve learned how to develop my own workouts and do circuits! I love lifting weights and have learned that you don’t have to kill yourself in the gym for hours.
Weights have definitely become my friend! I’ve also taken Vicki’s advice on doing 10% incline on the treadmill and love it and so do my legs, along with doing 30 sec. sprints for 30 min!! Pushing yourself a little each time brings an awesome feeling that you CAN do this!!! I’m so thankful to Vicki for all that she has taught me!

I’m not envious of those skinny girls anymore because my goals have changed. I want to be strong, toned and healthy! I’ve changed my life and my lifestyle is now leading me to each day where I make good/wise choices. I’m on a new path and I’m excited to be on it! I’m def. far from perfect and don’t know a lot but am willing to learn new things everyday. I’m now helping others and seeing them make changes in their lives and body and when that happens you feel so proud of what they have done!

This says it all!! It’s all worth it! Thank you Vicki for leading me!!!

For Being The Feature Friday Member of the week Michelle will recieve a pair of Gym Girl Apparel Gloves (color of her choice) www.gymgirlapparel.com
And also About Time Superfruits & Shaker bottle
www.tryabouttime.com use code fitforlife to get 25% off all orders over $100 get Free Shipping

Thank you About Time & Gym Girl Apparel for these wonderful prizes!!

To meet Michelle & other wonderful & Inspiring people who love working out & living a healthy lifestyle check out my Facebook Group Team Fit :)

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