The gift of HEALTH

Give yourself the gift of health. When you’re this busy and stressed, it’s easy to become run down and spread yourself too thin. And on top of the strain that the holiday bustle can bring, it’s also cold and flu season…so make sure to take care of your physical needs. Also, be sure to drink lots of water, eat healthy foods, and avoid gorging on treats at every opportunity. Lastly, make a point to get enough sleep (DVR that late-night holiday special if you have to)! If you do all of these things, you’ll enter the new year on a healthy foot. And that means that you won’t have to start all over on January 2nd and make a brand new set of “lose weight and live healthier” resolutions. Think about the choices that you make you don't want to look back with regrets from making poor choices. If you have fitness goals keep them in mind remember how hard you have worked and ask yourself if what your choosing is worth it usually isn't. What worked for me was to think about how those choices would make me feel after i ate them an upset stomach worth it to me no. I love eating healthy and love the way I feel........... picking junk has the opposite effect so it's not a hard choice for me. Remember the real meaning of Christmas focus more on spending time with family & friends and try not to make it all about the food. Merry Christmas to you and enjoy your day! If you want a guilt free treat warm up a yummy Quest Bar :)

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