
I think everyone who is into fitness, working out, healthy eating has felt at some point in time like it's impossible to "get it" to figure out how,what,when to eat. LOL I know I have in the past. I finally listened to my husband who said do what works for U if your no seeing the results you want you have to tweek it here and there. I followed his advice and now here I am today I finally got it figured out. I know what foods i can eat I listen to my body and am aware of everything I'm eating and what is in the foods as well. Cleaning up my nutrition the way i did has really benefited my overall health and well being. I no longer have cravings for foods that are bad because I really don't eat anything bad. I think the more you "TREAT" yourself as they call it the more you think you are missing out. I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. I might have a slice of cake at a party or for the holidays but all my meals are clean that one slice of cake is really no big deal. You can have these things but it depends on what your goals are and how often you are having these occasional treats. For me it might be a few times a year. I have already been to parties when I skip the cake and  instead have some fruit. There is almost always a healthier alternative to choose. So don't overthink what you are doing just trust your choices and keep a food log and this will help you from week to week to track your progress . Good luck you'll get there!

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