That driving force

I don't know what happens but every time I hit the weight room I feel amazing!
I remember years ago trying to convince myself to go downstairs to workout and well some days I would and some I would miss..back then it wasn't a priority. Alot of people ask me regularly how you get there and honestly I believe it is that making it a priority over other things. To me I have much more to offer of myself when I take care of myself less stress and just an overall great feeling. There is nothing better then seeing your results from your hard work..and yes it can be slow at times but all good things are worth the wait. Think of it more as a journey your on and each day is a new adventure. The beauty of this is you learn as you go. I think the biggest problem people really have is not committing mentally. You have to stop where you are look at your life and say what am I willing to do and (give up)to get there. You will have to work hard it's not easy if it was everyone would be walking around fit it's a daily commitment and one that you have to be patient with. When you look at those girls in the magazines give them credit that is from YEARS of hard work and dedication to their training & nutrition. Everyone even you has the potential to reach elite levels and when you get there depends on how hard you push. You can't really ask someone else how long it took them and expect the same results no 2 people are the same.
The nutrition is something that you really have to learn as you go and listen to your body and how it reacts with certain foods and if you are triggered by them as well. You are your best teacher when it comes to that you and only you know how you feel so be aware. Working out too is something that you can base on yourself as well I myself came up with a plan that works for me and that I really enjoy you don't have to follow the crowd you are capable of doing whatever you want there are no rules to it :)
So just try to enjoy the ride and don't stress too much about doing it perfect because there is no such thing ...even the top guys and girls are still learning new things. Remember you got this!! You can do anything you set your mind to!  my website  Quest bars

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