Step out of the box

Everyday is a new day to challenge yourself in some way. Even the smallest challenges can be rewarding. If you add a few extra minutes to a run or a few extra reps to a workout your progressing. These small feats are very rewarding to not only your body but also your confidence you will be proud of yourself which I don't think ever gets old. :)
Trying new things workouts etc. is also great I recently got a Human trainer another version of the TRX and really love the idea of new challenges it mixes it up and keeps it fresh and fun. That's what it's all about enjoying what you do. Look forward to feeling good after working out i know sometimes it's hard to get going but after you just feel so amazing and your body thrives!
Take a few minutes each day to reflect on these little things you do each day because they are making a difference probably more then you realize. I think too many people focus on what they don't have instead of the wonderful things they do have. Feel blessed you have your health and be proud of where you are today and know no matter who you are or where you are right at this moment there is always room for improvement. That's exciting to know you have the ability to progress even more. Your body is like a machine learn it listen to it and you can mold it into exactly what you want!
You got this! Make this a wonderful week filled with alot of great challenges go outside your regular routine and mix it up and have some fun!! 

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