Stepping Stones

I think alot of people look at pictures of the women out there in magazines and think those bodies came easy for them, that they are just blessed to look like that,,,um no they worked very hard to take their bodies to those levels. I don't think some people really realize just how much effort it takes to achieve this is from being super strict with nutrition & training and being consistent not for a week but for as long as it takes to reach their goals. There are many people who WANT it and then there are the people who will stop at nothing to GET it. If you have the desire you will get it you won't let anything stop you ...when your driven to succeed no cookie or sweet treat will stand in your way. It's not until you commit 100% to reaching your goals that you will you can't think of it as your giving things up or you will feel deprived you need to say I'm ready for change I deserve it! I don't miss anything I have given up not even a little. I think some people find that so hard to believe but it's true. I'm in control of what I eat and I'm maintaining the fit body I worked so hard to get why would I want to let all that hard work go by eating junk? For me it's simple not even a thought , now when i have things here and there I feel sick because my body is so used to not having it that's why I say I don't miss it. When making changes to get healthy I used how my body felt after eating foods as a tool if I felt bloated or bad after then I gave it up that's how I gave up those foods. So if your looking to transform your life know it takes time and you learn as you go small steps moving forward until eventually you look back and you'll be amazed just how far you have come. Like stepping stones ...your life is just like that think positive and keep taking steps to moving forward and your on the right track!!

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