Ways to stay Happy & Fit

Celebrate your victories whether you dropped some weight or reached a personal best in the weight room, find a creative way to pat yourself on the back...like a new sports bra from www.bodyrocksport.com use code VICKI for 10% off what a great treat!! Or a box of Quest Protein Bars www.questproteinbar.com/vroyer you deserve it your working hard!!

Visualize yourself reaching your goals take time to imagine how wonderful it will finally feel to meet your goals be successful and fit & strong all because you worked hard :) Kind of like how you feel right after an amazing workout that on top of the world feeling.

Surround yourself with people who support your lifestyle and your fitness goals. Ditch the naysayers lord knows there are plenty of them lol...
The more positive people  you have around you the better you will feel. Negative people have a way of sucking the life out of you so be careful who you surround yourself with.

Wake up each day with a smile and a good attitude and you'll do great ....you can have it all all you have to do is work hard, be consistent and commit to it ............You Got This!

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