Motivation to eat Healthy

How to Stay Motivated to Eat Healthy

It's not hard to start eating more healthy especially once you understand the benefits. But does your motivation ever slip?

One tip: Focus on the most meaningful reasons to stick to your new way of eating. The key is to figure out what motivates you the most.

Here are some ways to keep on track:
  • Explore new foods. One of the most exciting aspects of adopting a new eating style is finding new and different foods to try. Get a new cookbook , or explore a specialty foods store. Keeping your taste buds happy will encourage you to continue with your plan.
  • Think short term. Keep your goals in doable short-term increments. Focus on one to two weeks at a time or, if necessary, one day at a time. Feel good about the healthy choices you made at the last meal instead of dwelling on the slip you made at the party last week. 
  • Get a family member or friend to join you. Sharing health goals with families and friends can be extremely motivating. If everyone agrees to keep healthy foods around the house you will not feel tempted to snack on the unhealthy foods you used to eat. And at restaurants, you will motivate each other to order delicious healthy meals because you share a common goal.
  • Track your weight loss. By eating every three hours a Lean Protein a healthy Fat and a smart carbohydrate doing this will get you to your goals........... That's a powerful motivation! I would weigh in once a week every Sunday and would aim for atleast a half a pound loss, if not I would tinker a bit with less calories slightly at each meal and then the next week would show my progress. That's what worked for me even taking out 200 calories per day ends up being 1400 calories in that week it adds up! To lose a pound you would have to cut out 500 calories per day since there are 3500 calories in a pound of fat. I always chose to cut my calories down instead of doing a ton of cardio :)
  • Notice other health improvements. Adopting a clean diet  leads to better health. Some of these improvements include lower blood pressure and better cholesterol levels. Other changes, such as feeling better overall and having more energy, will be noticeable only to you.
  • Think of what you've gained. You're on your way to a happier, healthier life, with increased energy and reduced risk of serious diseases, including cancer, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, and heart disease. As a result, you'll have more time, and energy to devote to the people and activities closest to you.
  • Be proud of yourself your taking the steps to get healthy it might not always be perfect but your trying and that's what matters! Keep your mindset strong!

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