How to stay motivated.........

I have people ask me all the time how I stat motivated to eat clean and work out. I really don't think about it I'm so used to doing it it's just a daily routine. For years I wanted to get into really great shape and had a hard time because I think I was making it harder then it had to be. Ben my husband gave me great advice he said do what works for you...I was trying to do what others were doing and well I didn't enjoy it. You have to find workouts you look forward to doing and eat foods that are healthy for you and that you love. That's really the only way it will work. Once I relaxed and trusted my body enough to let me know what was working is when I saw results. The more I stressed about losing weight the less weight I lost. I have had great success since 2006 with my clean eating because well...I love it, I enjoy cooking and coming up with new healthy recipes. This lifestyle has changed my life I now have control over my eating and no longer suffer with cravings it's incredible how far I have come. 
So when people ask me how do I stay motivated the answer is there are too many good things that come with it not to :) 
Use a positive mindset to help you reach your goals once I started thinking positive that's when my results started being positive. You all have it inside you to do the same but until you believe you can your not going to see the changes you want..your body will believe what your mind tells it. If you tell it your going to reach your goals no matter what will!! YOU GOT THIS MAKE IT HAPPEN!!
All the effort is worth it I promise you ...ask yourself is what your doing now making you happy? Do you feel good about where you are with your weight? If not then it's time to take back the power and steer yourself in the direction that will get you there ...your the one who needs to make it happen!!

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