
Deep inside each and every one of us is a desire to be the very best we can be. It took me a few years to bring this out in myself over the years of trying to do certain things I made up my mind that there was no other option, this time i was going to make it happen! I had dreamed of being in great shape for years I had invisioned what I wanted to look like and set that image in my mind. Everyday I was 100% focused on my goals I did not miss workouts and I did not sway from my clean eating because my mind was made up. There is no way to express how good it feels to get there but it is life changing for sure. When you bust your butt and give it everything you have it's such a wonderful feeling.
The whole reason I started coaching was to be able to teach others what I have learned because it can be really enjoyable to eat clean. I remember having cravings and feeling like I was deprived from having things but no longer. I eat only things that serve a purpose for my body and these clean & healthy foods do just that no cookies or cake are worth the feeling my body goes through when I eat them. Once these foods aren't in your system you don't even miss them. My whole mindset towards food has changed and this is why I have such great success with maintaining my weight. I'm not saying that the occasional treats aren't fine but until you have a grasp on your eating you'll never have the control which can be a disaster for many people. That's usually the problem with people who compete they withhold from all these foods and then go crazy afterwards what's the point of this cycle? I thought it was about being healthy? In my opinion if you eat clean healthy foods the whole year you could have an occasional treat and it wouldn't hurt a thing.
And also if your going to have something what could be better then a Quest bar? These bars are about as perfect as you can get without the worry. The main focus should be on the nutrition and what purpose the food is serving your body. So if you want to be healthy and fit make smart choices in what you put into your mouth and you can't go into clean eating with the mindset that you can't have things but more that your choosing not to have them. You do have to have a plan of attack, foods do have to be prepared ahead of time in order for it to work and most of all you have to have the DESIRE :)

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