Personal Success

Personal Success.
Personal success is determined in and by your own mind. No other mind on the face of the planet can tell you what success is or what it means. You are responsible to decide what success means to you -- and to go after it with all you have.

Who ever sits down and writes out what success means to them? Very few. Which speaks to why so many seem to be stagnant in their personal lives.

Without a gleaming vision of success in front or you, why not sit in front of the TV and let your mind turn to mush? Why not hang around the bar and drink your life away? Why not get stoned and feel no pain? This condition has a name. It is called 'homeostasis'. From the cellular level all the way up through the mental - emotional level, when an organism finds a place that is comfortable it doesn't want to change, grow, or improve. Why change what isn't broken. If it seems to be working it doesn't need to be changed does it? Well, yes it does.
Whole Success
Personal success means a holistic success. You must succeed in all important areas of your life. If you have made it to the top of your field, but your family life is a wreck - you do not have personal success.

You graduated at the top of your class but you stepped all over your friends to get there -- you are not a success.

Youve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.

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