10 encouraging thoughts to brighten your day :)

I’d like to offer you these ten encouraging thoughts to brighten your day:

1.  You can excel.

You are enough.  You have everything you need to succeed.  You are smart enough, talented enough, wise enough, creative enough to live a fantastic life.  All you have to do is believe in yourself.  Fill yourself with confidence building affirmations and go live a great life!  Stop holding yourself back by clinging to self-defeating lies.  You can excel!

2.  You can be happy.

You really can be happier.  However, most of us have the wrong idea about how to make ourselves happier.  Happiness is not rooted in our circumstances.  Let me say that again, your happiness is not tied to where you live, how much money you have or to whom you are married.  Your happiness has a lot more to do with your habits than your circumstances.  Science has shown that intentional happiness activities are the key to feeling happier.  This is good news because it means that you really can be happier!                         3.  You can have it all
You can become anything you want to!  “You have to get sick and tired of being sick and tired.”  I know without a doubt that it is possible to turn your life around because I did! You deserve everything you are worth it! You can have it!

4.  You can gain control of you & your life

There is nothing better then learning what works for you as far as nutrition & fitness. Enjoying foods and knowing you have complete control is priceless. It can be hard in the begining but once you learn the tools you are set!

6.  You can have a great adventures

Adventure is waiting for you.  It is out there.  You just need to go meet it.  We like to make excuses for remaining in our ruts because adventure is just a little scary.  The only way to overcome the fear is to face it head on.  It broadens our horizons and makes life exciting.  Break out of the norm and find an adventure to spice up your life today! Meet friends who enjoy working out and go have a blast! Spend time taking a walk with your spouse and have fun!

7.  You can live a life of abundance.

You already have more than you need ...realize you already living a life of abundance.  This realization will bring joy and fulfillment to your life.  It will also give you a sense of peace. Practice gratitude and you can live a life of abundance.

8.  You can be healthy.

You can break the bad habits that are robbing you of your best health. You can do it!  I have faith in you even if you don’t.  Why?  Because I know that everyone can change.  People do it everyday.  Look around you and you’ll find examples of it.  If they can do it, so can you!  You are just as capable as they are.  You can be healthy too!

9.  You are an example

When you set goals and work hard to achieve them you are setting examples for everyone around you. Your kids,your spouse family & friends are all watching and learning. You are inspiring others wether you know it or not...living a healthy life is not only good for you :)

10.  You are unique

You are special.  You have a unique combination of gifts, talents and skills that make you valuable.  Your mission is to learn how to use what you have for a worthwhile purpose.  Those that succeed in finding their purpose will enjoy a rewarding and fulfilling life. Apply yourself to discovering the perfect niche in life for you.  It will be worth every minute that you spend. You here for a reason ......ask yourself what is my purpose?
Believe in yourself and go after everything in life you deserve go live a life that you will look back and say WOW I lived a great life!!!

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