I remember wanting it ...
I remember thinking to myself when is it going to happen?
It wasn't until I really embraced the process that it all started to fall into place for me. I always wanted to be fit but wanting and doing are 2 totally different things. If I wanted to reach the levels I was shooting for things were going to have to change in a major way. I got tired of excuses I got tired of dreaming about what i wanted I was ready to make it happen. I think everyone has that moment where you really look at where you are and where you want to be and then take the next step. This is not something you can just do it really takes you looking at yourself and also planning & committing to change. I made up my mind I was setting life long goals not just temporary mine were for life that's how I came up with the group name Fit For Life :)
The group has been so great I have met so many wonderful people through it. I have been where alot of you are so I know how frustrating it can be but know it will happen if your consistent and don't let up. I never gave myself the option not to reach my goal and I think that helped not doubting myself helped keep me moving forward. The hard stuff in the end is the stuff you appreciate the most, I fought hard and made it happen and it's a wonderful feeling. I set out to help others and it has been an amazing experience to offer up what I have learned over the years.I hear so many wondering how long it takes to see results and that's so hard to say because everyone is so different but I do know that any steps you take towards improving your health are good steps. Try not to stress too much about figuring it all out because there is so much information out there it can be overwhelming for many. The main key is to be consistent, prepare your food ahead of time, eat every three hours and if what your doing hasn't worked and you have given the plan a good month it might be time to try something new. But you can't expect to see major changes in a matter of 2 or 3 weeks you will see a difference if your eating well and exercising but to get very toned and abs like many want that takes years of this type of lifestyle. The more time you give it the more results you will see but yes it does take time. Even when you reach your goals it's easy to still want for more so enjoy where you are today and know that everyday your working at it your moving in a good direction :) You Got This!! Don't be hard on yourself be proud!!
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