Today is a new Day

I must say myself that I can't stand this saying!
I have heard it so many times that I could scream. For anyone who wants to achieve results
with their physique this is not something you should allow yourself to say. This can be an easy way of letting yourself off the hook. Today is not another day today is now the day you have to start over from the choices that you made.  What it is is when you make certain choices there are consequences that come along with them not just guilt for another saying I can't stand (Falling off the Wagon) but also cravings and the spiral that you were gaining control over. If you don't put yourself into situations you won't have to deal with them think it out I mean really is it worth it? If you know your going to be upset and feel like crap after you eat it is it worth it? You have goals of where you want to be and well it sounds good to say these little slip ups won't hurt you but guess what they do they ALL add up over time....they really do. You can get into this spiral to where your saying it more then you realize and then you think ......why am I not seeing results? To see results you really do have to be super strict ....people ask me all the time about my Abs's not easy not at all when I say I eat clean I mean clean, that's what it takes no sweet treats for me but well I want it bad enough that those things aren't even a thought. I don't think of those things as things I can't have I think of them as things I DON"T WANT. They serve me or my goals no purpose. So before you act think out the consequences think before you grab that next (thing) that will make you want to start over with a new day. Nope sorry not going to fly with me today is the day and the choices that you make are the results that you will get plain and simple. No EXCUSES.... NO WHINING....not if you want it! So please for the people who are out there wanting it stop wanting it and take it on 100% and don't back down you can do it!!

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