Making up your mind

When I started my journey to becoming more fit it was tough very tough..I'm not going to lie. I would do good for awhile but would always go off my plan and eat something not so good and then well you know feel bad get ticked off and have to start all over again,
I made up my mind for change...I was so tired of wishing and wanting it was time to have it!!
I was taking control  and I was going to be that picture in my mind..I was going to have it!!
I took my time I wanted it to be a slow process because i wanted to be able to maintain it. I started experimenting with foods and going alot by how I felt after I ate them. Some foods like brown rice especially were more of a trigger for me then good.
I found Flatout wraps which worked great keeping me on track. I keep my carbs low and my proteins and good fats higher this works great for me. I have maintained going from 140lbs to 119lbs. since 2007 and never have cravings for bad stuff I think mainly because I made up my mind it had no purpose for me or my body..Food for me is fuel If I find there is something i want at a party or holiday I will just have a small amount. I eat clean 99.9% of the time so that kind of stuff is no big deal.
You can make clean choices no matter where you go. Just make the healthiest choice you can and you'll be just fine.
Eating clean is wonderful I feel amazing and have never enjoyed food so much! I love experimenting with recipes and I believe once you eat clean you appreciate the taste of the foods so much more! Good luck on your journey to a healthier you and like I always say keep it simple and don't overthink it!

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